Building Local Capacity in Conservation Medicine.

Although most veterinarians graduating from the Departement d'Enseignement des Sciences et Médecine Vétérinaires (DESMV), veterinary school of Antananarivo, Madagascar will not be directly involved in wildlife medicine, they can still play a role in the conservation of Madagascar's unique fauna. With this in mind, the DESMV in collaboration with the Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group... Continue Reading →

Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group Conservation Research Workshop

Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group, a Non Governmental Organization working to conserve Madagascar's unique biodiversity is organizing a Conservation Research Workshop this week in Saint Louis, MO. More than 40 researchers from Universities and zoos from all over the world are expected to attend. Representatives from the Madagascar National Park and the Betampona Natural Reserve... Continue Reading →

MOU signed between MFG and the vet school of Antananarivo

I am thrilled to report that the Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group (MFG) and the veterinary school of Antananarivo, Madagascar (DESMV) have renewed their Memorandum Of Understanding earlier this week. With this MOU the MFG and DESMV have renewed their pledge for collaboration. Both institutions recognize the importance of having veterinarians trained in the field... Continue Reading →

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